Ai & I,  ALL,  Bible Study




“Mutual submission in the fear of the Lord” Pauline Mentored Body of Christ Ephesians 5:21

.Q.”WHY Did the Unusual Little Woman cross the road?”
A. To press into the Word of God, in the Secret Place and to hear God for HER SELF.(Being submitted to the Apostle Paul who said “Work your own salvation with fear and trembling” “Don’t swallow EVERY apostles Kool Aide” So I chose not to. The TD Quote Beneath is God inspired:

They also lead who do not blindly follow” TD 2012 DFW Texas Christian Ministry

(C)2023 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws

Yet, this is “Submitted” as a Selah ..for the Body of Christ: Not religious hardcore dogma. Rather it’s “”submitted” Selah (to pause and think for YOUR SELF) as the days are evil and the church is getting vilified, some due to due it own lack of responsiblity to determine “what” “who’ is TRUE and not “back under the Hard Core  “Criticial -Levitical” ornery legalistic Law.”

DR T Asks CHAT GBT AI different ins and outs about the famous office prophet Deborah who was Hebrew Judge of males and females and also married..

NOTE FULLY  YOU  CERTAIN  GENTLEMAN. This person NEVER had an inkling of how this would turn out SHE NEVER cared about BEING “this”‘(all of 5 fold office) or “ANYTHING”… other than what  ONLY GOD for HIS GLORY and SOLE PURPOSES..So I submit what follows as “a foolish thing sent to confound “or some such..ALSO Levitical Patriarchs and Bias L Matriarchs who are the Alexander the Coppersmith of this persons being…YOU ARE RIGHT I am NOT UNDER YOUR FORM OF LEGALISTIC AUTHORITY..I am a Galatians 1: 1-2 SENT OUT BY   THE MASTER





You may not understand this female and her obvious fixation on Bible submission…which is born out of a strange yet divine curiosity.

For you see, I was never raised around,  under  or beneath toxic “control, big boss,” ..neither was this femine pure creature raised by crude Bible thumping so called authority which accused, demeaned, disrespected or by bias devalued.

Also this means that this She writer was not… as a girl…  or as a youth… or as a  woman, by ANY  Christian father, leader, pastor or religious spirit using “bias, back Under the Law ” chosen ” false authority’ (EVER!)   withstood,  dominated, biased against, told that I should not..and neither was this person who happens to be a Human Being Made in the Image of God and attired in theis hand crafted, specifically tailor made SHE EARTHSUIT while on this Earthly Mission EVER ONCE (!!) acccused and defiled..nor trained to be “submitted under” ANY  form of spiritual authority OTHER THAN my own self government which Holy Spirit abiding in the “wisdom that come from above “meaning the fruit of “JAMES  3:17 ” (pure, peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy and good fruits (which Galatians 5:22-23 Apostle Paul fruit of the Spirit Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Goodness Meekness and SELF GOVERNING AUTHORITY (self control)

Also, based upon my own rearing by Bible believing non dogmatic non racist or biased nor accusing, berating but instead ‘servant leader persusavive and pure reasoning Governing Authority” I look back to my parents, their parents and extended happy smart non biased professional well educated mature family…and I note that we all respected one another and appeared to model First Church Ephesians 5; 21 “mutual submission in the fear of the Lord.

This means that “giving the set in place religious or ministry or business or someone’s personal dwelling “RESPECT FOR THEIR IN PLACE AUTHORITY AND PRIOR TO MY VISIT THE “SET BOUNDARIES” comes quite naturally to this myself.

It seems to surface (jump up from inside) very naturally as if  via osmosis. And it is ever  based upon affirming “others” leader boundaries and…. expecting them to observe and respect mine.

My senior pastor father was NOT any sort of “submission” “covering”  LP Shepherd. No, he was quite the mature opposite.   He was not an autocrat nor a partriarch but a loving hands on kindly Dad, MY FATHER. And a Ephesians 5:21 “teammate’ ‘copartner’ with his only wedded wife, my Mother.

 I was not raised ‘under the country Law’  by any “Woman thou art bound” or “thou shalt not” training.  I never longed to be a women’s libber for I already raised liberated and free to hear clearly and evualate Scipture Teachings for MY SELF.. In comparison to right now, it was more mature, caring, trustworthy and joyful and similar to a Billy Graham Christian ‘other centered “ETERNAL GOALS” mature and responsible, hands on and servant elder down to earth pragmatic.

An FYI…also , nobody in my Southern Baptist sr pastor seminary grad pastors mature fathers and Bible scholar dear  mother’s (who was former Presbyterian) ever schooled me that I “should NOT BE anyting at all. ” However, I did not feel that being a senior pastor as a woman was femine so I never longed to be this way. I never cared to do all that I know how to do and be today but its ETERNAL and TIME IS VERY SHORT. So I present another option for leader women and men to SELAH. (but no dogma!)


Hence I was raised  LIBERATED by two whole, fair, Godly contented happy married parents who dwelled and Christian modeled Ephesians 5:21″ mutual submission in the fear of Lord” as did both of their dear parents and grandparents, my aunt and uncle and the entire Bible teaching historical family)

I invited the Lord to be my personal Savior in my father’s country Baptist church at age 9. I made sure that I was ready to go to heaven at age 12 listening throught the door while my paternal grandmother watched Billy Graham.

At age 16-17, I  re-accepted the Lord once more and become on fire for Christ at a Jesus People type of home Bible study for teenagers in Virginia Beach.

AGE 18 I went college was involved in a campus Bible study IV Movment. And I made the choice to find out WHAT would happen and WHAT I would become if I let Holy Spirit direct me every day 24/7/365 which I did and have until the present. During my junior years in the Southern Baptist College, age 20  I asked the Lord for the Book of Acts experience after an off campus (the very first) “praise and worship” meeting. It was gentle, barely noticed but later I realized I was being given more depth of discernment and percpetion..(more about that later)

Age 24, after graduating college ,being married, before the 2 children, I was seated in 1/2 charismatic renewal plus nice Presbyterian Church which had huge passion Christ and was called by God “to study the USA ministry leader doctrines . It would all styles black and white, males and females, speaking in tongues and not. I was to ‘know their doctrines, their pet peeves, their red flag buzz words, their worship and their fashion …for ONE DAY ..IN THE LAST DAYS God would need me “building bridge of understanding among his Body”

AND IT STARTED with many long years, slo mo ministry growth, raising a family, having my own public minsitry (1986 “The Encouraging Word” which prayed prayer protection for pastors, their families and minstries and for USA revival, police and more.but also published a bimonthly newletter for pastors which gave an Daughter of Issachar Present Day word from from the Lord, had an office, was on local TV and 4 states of radio, did childrens church and helped pray in the city wide prayer (cross denominational urban suburban sr pastors, ministry leaders ongoing pray and repentance for revial move. I spoke and guest minsiters and was SENT to FL, to Charlotte, Tulsa and many other places TO STUDY THE BOOK OF ACTS types of moves.

Back at I also grew into the spirit of prophecy, was imparted and started to morph into prophetic psalmist and spontaneous worship leader…through my area, I  instructed in music, became a CCLI songwriter ..but then then the enemy rose up, up close and extremely personal and never every single day…waiting for the other shoe to drop…deep and controlling, also damagaging and traumatizing…recurring dark emotional abuse (So by Gods mercy and prior great acceptance and Bible teaching.. I pressed into the Lord for His strength, practice ultimate big forgiveness and kept on hearing God and keeping on..hence it  grew in my Bible faith and needed strength and Bible knowledge…also Book of Acts prophetic outpourings, worship and impartations, as God proceeded to keep SENDING to strategic places and major conferences and experiences and also the media…so learned BOTH “the holy Spirit power of God ( meaning His presence and power and healing presence of the Lord”)

So it’slike Matthew 22:29 in this apostolic sr ministry “Know BOTH the Scriptures AND the Power of God ” as Jesus ministered to the Sadducees”when  he admonished them, “YOU ERR not knowing(both) the SCRIPTURE and the POWER OF GOD”

So I give Holy Spirit of God all the glory!

However, that  long enduring extreme experience   was so dominating, kept me isolated and I had no men in the family, as my father had died, and even though I pastors and board members and choice advisors, none of the seem to think that it was worth them intervening and meeting with thim and me to protect me..And  that is all I will share..except for this..that finally, as continued to grow worse and more damaging after 15 years..and was trying to preserve the “Christian” marrige…yet following violence and MUCH mean and demonic big dysfunction, I finally stopped the local work and later ended up in DFW Texas where I had never seen anything like it in “professional Book of Acts Bible teaching and Holy Spirit ministry IN MY I refused to deeply accept, condone also affliate and  connect with all that did get my Doctrinal Noble Berean in full gear and force!

A ROMANS 8:28 SERVANT LEADER TIME” All things work together for the good of those who know the Lord, those who are called according to His Purpose”



DFW PERIOD (Like a Danielic Deportation) 2005- mid 2020 was a rough period.

I lived like the Jane on the Isle of Plano who wasn’t a part of whatever was there (it was mainly the spiritual atmosphere which I despised as  a prophet seer)..yet In intended to grow and God’s Holy Spirit began to use the  Apostle Paul as my mentor, also the very many prior Christian leaders in my life, especially my pastor Father

Back then I could related to the freshly saved Novel  Paul who was unwanted and implied as”forced out” from being allowed to colabor with the Original 12 Chief Apostles who’d been chosen and mentored by Christ Himself. Apparently they did not like newly saved Apostle Paul’s intrinsic  vibes  and for 13-14 years Paul went up to be with the Arabs ,who were Gentiles and whom God used to cleanse him of his former Loveless Torah mean Bias toward this big group of GENTILES( and later ALL GENTILES became servant leader Galatians 1:1-2 apostle Paul’s Grounds of Being CHOSEN AND SENT.

Yet God is GREAT and He used that to make me fearless and to not want to compromise His Message, even though it is not a “fundraising”  Sent Message.

Yet, as a student of apostle Paul (in a type of high quality exile.meaning the great health clubs and Starbucks of the area (which I refer as the SAFE PLACE “barista fellowship’ ) for online ministry purposes…So God granted much leader deep grace and I learned and needed to grow. This human person, raised so well and respectful..a gentle spirit was MISUSED, SPIED ON, OCCULT WATCHED, ACCUSED FOR SHOWING UP dressed in a God HandCrafted (non turf protecting) Female Earthsuit. Meaning time after DFW Ministry time..BUT THAT WAS ALL RIGHT for I understood that as a PROPHET God needed me to see that to know what goes on (charismatic, prophetic) and to train them NOT TO DO that ..but to train ME NOT TO MOVED by it.and to TRAIN THE OTHERS to BE CAREFUL and to WARN THESE MINISTRY GROUPS to lay God is going to REMOVE YOU if YOU are into occult false religious, using, real witchcraft and selling YOUR SOUL FOR MAKING SENIOR MINISTRY  MONEY.

So this withstood non occult James 3:17 bearing fruit of RESIDING Human Person got more brave and mature and tougher…due only to the fact that I HAD TO BE to survive. It was the worst most dyfunctional and achieving ambition, Demas and python and LP patriarchal Ruling Big Boss and Job 41 Leviathan ministry big place I had EVER BEEN IN MY LIFE and I didn’t want to stay there. (So after Covid shutdown lived I vacated and relocated up here. WHAT A MAJOR DIFFERENCE (the Church had down it local work, before I had arrived)

Due to DFW  I had to be on  spiritual, emotional, BIG watch and on personal guard 24/7 due to the subculture off Bible totin’ BIg Bosses …and (for my first time EVER IN MY CHRISTIAN LIFE) “ministry misogyny” “owning me” and “accuser occult non servant leader witchwatching” (which I lived despite it and learned to discern it and study their Poor Me Victim sorty of Doctrines..

But not feeling loved, accepted or respected due “whatever ” is in my own spiritual DNA I loved the people of Texas and the giant area and blue sky and the BIG THINKING down there. It was just the area RELIGIOUS SPIRIT and TOUGH CUSTOMERS in these “born again” mostly native “gainsaying’ Demas Despot ministry subculture that drove this fine caring genuine Real Deal Person out.

And with much to say, including



So I realize that and that is part of the Journey and the need to TRAIN and TEACH mainly the TV MEDIA Strongly Affected Big Boss, nearly all solid white male Big Bucks Ministry.

Also, I am a fun person and have a great since of humor and creative energy so God Birthed the SOCIAL MEDIA quick witted side which in now evidenced in the many ministry blogs, videos, training, etc

Thus it was not bad and I realize Paul had his uncertain ministry periods, including his imprisonments, the shipwreck and being bitten by the viper…Dr noted that Apostle Paul had to go through life mega changed and trials for ‘Sifting” and qualifying to the Galatians 1;1-2 office chief apostle ,as this is…And it was due to his immersion in so much DARK STUFF that it sifted and sanded him to make his pure , as well as his personal and motives, to get him ready for ” ‘his abundance of the revelations” which he received throughout in many “Holy Spirit revealed DOWNLOADS” which He described in his apostolic prayer for all of the Believers . He said the following

Ephesians 1:17 “I pray that all of you get more of God’s wisdom and revelation in your knowledge OF HIM” (means the fruit of knowledged gained by being SET PART WITH HIM, not just reading books or hearing ministry teaching   ABOUT HIM)

And that is my cause: to train fellow deep ministers to be like open for an abundance of life-changing, life-effecting revelation in your, our knowledge of Him in our private Psalm 91 secret place. Set apart wholly, first love abiding, enduring, longsuffering, and quality relationship.

So for me to get this curious about all of His, it is just due to me being “sent by the Lord” to study the charismatic movements around the United States. It was only then when I discovered, well, “be in submission” (or rather, it discovered me when I was alone) and it targeted me. It often accused me, bore false witness about my character, my ministry, and was a plague of false demonic control which I had never before known existed.

It is aggressive, bequiling, relentless yet will not keep it’s mind own its own ministry business, so it is invasive..I find it occult defiling… and I will train this until this cult like white witchcraft unyielding non contrite and turf owning slave master wearing spirit is vanished!

Hence I am not ashamed or embarrassed to be called UNSUBMITTED by this gentrified and mostly like aging big Boss enormous Levitical Patriarch WE CENTRIC “used to being the OVER US ALL Ruling Premium Colonial wise crowd. And I was not reared around it, underneath it and never am I “over top of it” for I wan nothing to do with false teaching, mean Evil and Eye trading on one’s elite gifts to get what it wants..and nearly any means…

However, by know wholly recognize and train for a Future Church (so there IS one!) and my hopes are that THESE can be assessed and discerned and recant, respent and be DELIVERED for it is THIS Major  Book of Acts Holy Spirit and prophetic worship , seer ministry doctrine which presumes it OWNS First Church Book of Acts prophetic Wells.

To the many WELP and ambitious WELM.not offended just FED UP(picture Jesus “fed up” at the controlling false mammon centric, keep em “submitted” to do our bidding temple in Matthew 21:12-13) on behalf of the New Grass Roots primal more diverse (‘every walk in type of person’ not Self Style We Own YOU Big Boss)
Sincerely, Taveau D’Arcy

Deborah’s appears to be in authority is over both men and women .
Compare and contrast this to the usual Christian woman’s use in modern Churches .also adress Apostle Pauls ‘women silent’ compared to Deborah.. WHY DID GOT LET A WOMEN IN OLD TESTAMENT behave in such an authority fashion?

Deborah’s authority as a prophetess and judge in the Old Testament is indeed notable. She exercised authority over both men and women, demonstrating her leadership and wisdom in guiding the nation of Israel. This contrasts with some prevailing perspectives on women’s roles in modern churches, where there can be varying interpretations and practices.

In many traditional Christian contexts, women’s roles in leadership may be limited or restricted based on certain biblical passages, including those attributed to the Apostle Paul. The passages you refer to, such as 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 and 1 Timothy 2:11-12, have been interpreted in different ways, and some interpretations have restricted women’s participation in certain speaking or teaching roles in church settings.

Regarding why God allowed a woman like Deborah to exercise such authority, it is important to consider the broader biblical context and God’s sovereign choice in using individuals to fulfill His purposes. God’s actions are not limited by cultural norms or societal expectations. In Deborah’s case, God raised her up as a leader and judge during a time of need for Israel. Her authority and leadership were a testament to God’s sovereignty and His ability to use anyone, regardless of gender, to accomplish His plans.

It is worth noting that the Bible contains various examples of women in positions of authority and leadership, such as Miriam, Huldah, and Esther. These examples show that God can and does use women in significant roles throughout salvation history.

The issue of women’s roles and authority in the church continues to be a subject of debate and interpretation within Christianity. Different denominations and traditions hold diverse views on the matter, ranging from egalitarian perspectives that affirm full equality of women and men in all aspects of ministry, to complementarian perspectives that emphasize distinct roles for men and women in church leadership.

Ultimately, it is essential to approach these discussions with humility, respect for differing viewpoints, and a commitment to studying and interpreting Scripture faithfully. Recognizing the contributions, gifts, and potential of both women and men in the church is vital for fostering a healthy and inclusive community that seeks to honor God and advance His kingdom.


As the Bible mentions few women, how does Prophet Deborah appear?

Prophetess Deborah appears in the Book of Judges in the Old Testament. Her story is found in Judges chapters 4 and 5. Deborah is a remarkable figure who served as a prophetess, judge, and military leader in Israel during a time of oppression. Here are some key aspects of Deborah’s appearance in the biblical narrative:

Leadership and Authority: Deborah is portrayed as a highly respected and influential leader in Israel. She held court under a palm tree, and the Israelites sought her counsel and judgment (Judges 4:4-5). Her role as a judge included settling disputes and providing guidance to the people.

Prophetic Gift: Deborah was not only a judge but also a prophetess. She received divine revelation and delivered messages from God to the people. In Judges 4:6-7, she summoned Barak and prophesied about a military victory against the Canaanite army.

Military Leadership: Deborah played a significant role in military leadership. She accompanied Barak into battle against the Canaanites, and her presence and encouragement bolstered the Israelite army. Under her guidance, they achieved a decisive victory (Judges 4:8-24).

Song of Deborah: After the victory, Deborah composed a poetic song in praise of God and the triumph over the enemies. This song is recorded in Judges chapter 5 and provides further insight into her faith, leadership, and the events surrounding the battle.

Deborah’s appearance in the biblical narrative highlights her exceptional qualities as a prophetess, judge, and military leader. She demonstrated courage, wisdom, and faithfulness to God. Her story showcases the important role women can play in the purposes of God and challenges traditional gender roles of her time.

Deborah serves as an inspiring example for both men and women today, demonstrating that God can raise up leaders, regardless of gender, to fulfill His purposes and bring about deliverance for His people. Her story affirms the value and importance of women’s voices and leadership in both spiritual and practical matters.


Please discuss prophet Deborah’s “office submission” to the Lord most High and her very UNUSUAL high call in the Old Testament Levitical Law days

As a prophetess and judge, Deborah would have been expected to uphold and interpret Hebrew Law in her role. She would have been responsible for rendering decisions and settling disputes based on the principles and guidelines set forth in the Law. The Law encompassed issues such as adherence to monotheism, ethical conduct, fair treatment of others, and the prohibition of idolatry and other forms of religious transgressions.

Deborah, a prophetess and judge, can be assumed that Deborah adhered to the religious and legal principles outlined in the Hebrew Law, which encompassed a wide range of moral, ethical, and ceremonial regulations for the Israelite community.

Overall, Deborah, as a prophetess and judge, would have been expected to guide and govern the Israelite community according to the religious and legal principles outlined in Hebrew Law.



THIS SHE WONDERS, as prophet Deborah was married, how did she comply to submission to her husband being a national judge?

(TD’S NOTE PLEASE: what follows is Ai’s response, which is not too indepth. I know a lot more on this Deborah -Lapidoth Marriage modern day hot topic PLUS I will end with a quote regarding Deborah and why she was used UNIQUELY back in the patriarchal ministry society like a “man ” was basically used The quote will be from Sr Pastor Rod Parsely in his Reformation Bible commentary about the usage of Office Deborah. (Ministers, note fully I regard Pastor Rod Parsely as NOT A WELP) He respects ALL women and is a man’s man.


Q.If prophet Deborah was married, how did she comply to submission to her husband being a national judge?


In the biblical account of Deborah, there is no specific information provided regarding her compliance to submission to her husband as a national judge. The Book of Judges primarily focuses on Deborah’s role as a prophetess, judge, and military leader rather than her personal relationship dynamics.

However, it’s important to note that the concept of submission in the context of marriage during that time was based on the patriarchal social structure prevalent in ancient Hebrew society. Men held positions of authority and leadership, while women were expected to fulfill domestic roles and be submissive to their husbands.

Given that Deborah is described as a prophetess and judge with significant influence and authority in the community, it is plausible to infer that she might have had a unique position within the societal norms of the time. It’s possible that her role as a judge and prophetess would have required her to exercise authority and make decisions independently, even if she was married.

It’s also worth noting that the biblical narrative does not provide substantial information about Deborah’s relationship with her husband, Lapidoth. While Lapidoth is mentioned as Deborah’s husband, his role and significance are not expanded upon in the text.

Ultimately, the specific dynamics of Deborah‘s marriage and how it intersected with her role as a national judge are not explicitly detailed in the biblical account. The emphasis is primarily on Deborah’s leadership, wisdom, and connection with God in carrying out her responsibilities as a judge and prophetess.

NOTE The above is prophetic ministry, mostly Holy Spirit filled



In Pastor Parsely’s Reformation Bible Commentary (TD’s paraphrase ..this is his explanation of WHY God called up a woman in the Old Testament patriarchal Law Times: Pastor,chief apostle, prophet, REAL NON LP Godly One Woman Real Man said “When God looks around the nation of His people and cannot find enough Godly real men. HE will call out the women”

(NOTE: And when I read that I chose to accept the high call of God by saying the YES to being His apostle Galatians 1:2-3 like a Paul for a training Prototype for the Church. FUNNY HUMOR: this was in DFW about 2014-2016:

And I went to the Lord ,when He called me into doing, being that SENT MESSENGER ORACLE MINISTRY OFFICE. And I asked, ‘Lord if APOSTLE Paul was SENT to the Gentiles and Apostle PETER was SENT to the Jews..then WHO is this OFFICE being SENT TO and the Lord answered” YOU are being SENT to the Slacks Wearers” which always had been! I laughed for I am aware that the Lord has a keen sense humor. As I was ALWAYS PRIOR SENT to both MEN and leader WOMEN equally if not MORE TO THE MEN all of my life. (I also figured that God said THE SLACKSWEARERS meaning modern Christian types..because the ONES who do not believe in women wearing slacks ALREADY KNOW THE FEAR OF THE LORD!” SEE.this is WHY Taveau has a HUMAN’S MINISTRY.


TD WAS CURIOUS About How Leader Prophet Deborah dwelled in submission to Lapidoth, her wedded legal husband

Thus this apostle Taveau assesses Deborah and her husband Lapidoth in the following manner.

FIRST TD Likens it to a Christian  mature, highly capable, even specialized modern working woman or senior or junior married office minister, a business CEO, founder,etc.

VIA THE FIRST CHURCH BIBLE VIEWPOINT and applying it to Lapidoth and Deborah being legally married and submitted to God and to order in the proper Bible governing Godly contented mature sense.


We know far more about prophet Deborah was out in the public serving God as a Hebrew Judge, prophetess and out in the battlefield along with the warrior men as God instructed.

Yet “He” her man husband, Laptop (” Lapidoth,”) apparently did not mind ( to TD t his reflects his pure trust in his wife with other leader men, his own deep personal security that he was “threatened” ‘feeling competitive’ or ‘accuser jealosus”about this.

NOTE how this appears to be in accordance with New Testament Scripture for a happy teammate /co laborers, two peers safe marriage as in one which is resembling Apostle Paul’s Ephesians 5:21 ..meaning that”Both “she’ and “he were dwelling in “mutual submission in the reverential fear of the Lord”

Also we note that in this model, technically the mighty office Deborah was a Ephesians 5:22 “submitted to him” (she was out there with the Hebrew Leadership while he was not, as that was not his big call, but he knew about it, knew in depth what Deborah Did and approved.She went out to serve the Lord and her fellow Hebrews daily, with secure Lapidoth’s blessing.

BASED UPON THAT (selah not hardcore dogma)
1. We may presume that these two are “equally” yoked, and that while the husband Lapidoth is not described in depth, he was the HOH (head of home) he safe place, her friend and her guard.

Deborah was the “weaker vessel” to her Lappie’s certain strengths which she lacked and she the complement and healthy balance to his.

2. I believe that they related to one another as family, friends, lovers and colaborers, with each taking time out to R AND R (really recreate) and to nurture their private lives apart from work and duty.

3. I would perceive BOTH OF THESE as majorly gifted and equally talented but in different fields and in different stregths (for I come from along line of these and well recognize this:big achievers, talented ministers,selfless hard workers, servants of the poor but all serving white it makes sense to me about a Lapidoth and a Deborah in modern days..(this means that I know “myself’ and that I could use ‘another half’ BUT it would HAVE to be GOD CHOSEN and SENT to be able to stand what goes on in this type of ministry.

4. I believe that the Mighty Public Office Recognized Judge Deborah would relish serving the many different peoples all day, but then enjoy returning home to park her briefcase AND her authority mantle by the family door and enter in and just HER “SELF” (off duty, fun, R and R,having children, taking vacations, and keeping the Flame Alive in their Romance)

5. So we need to look at the PUBLIC”SHE” DEBORAH and the Private ONE “home alone” with her stronger vessel, the dependable and reliable,”Being THERE FOR HER” Strong Lapidoth

6. A “Bible weaker vessel” is”RELATIVE to the person they choose to marry NOT ALL CHRISTIAN MAN are the “STRONGER VESSEL” for ALL LEADER REAL WOMEN


Not ALL (NOT EVERY LITERAL ONE)  leader women

ARE the “weaker vessel to “ALL” KINDS (each and every)type  OF MAN.”


7. It depends upon each individual mature couple. (I need to say this for I have met truly rampant emotional and spiritual maximum IMMATURITY in Chauvinistic MINISTRY in the last 25 “surfing the Body of Christ “years”

8. THE WEAKER VESSEL is by most presumed to be (implied as “victim” “surely gullible’ “my property” ‘my waitress’ “easily used” and “available to me to suit my every want and need” (NOT SAFE OR PURE OR GODLY ” MANTLED” CHRISTIAN MEN!)

Hence we train.


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(C)2023 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws, in conjunction with Ai

Servant leader Taveau has a chief apostolic(spiritual doctrine originator) call to the Christian overseer SLACKSWEARERS* (*When the Earthsuited she inquired of the Lord, noting that Paul was SENT to the GENTILES, PETER to the JEWS, she wanted to know to WHOM this ministry is SENT..and that is when the LORD responded back "TO THE SLACKS WEARERS" (Then T assumed,that the reason is that the Christian leaders/ministry groups...who do not believe in wearing SLACKS already HAVE the"Holy Reverential Terror,Abiding Fear of the Lord".) Historically Galatians 1:1-2 servant office Taveau D'Arcy has taken a stand against all forms of bigotry and leader bias within the Christian community. TCL, DFW LEADER MINISTRY FELLOWSHIP are EORR leader headquarters (Equal Opportunity REAL RESPECT for the Office of Every Human Made in God's Image PSALM 139!) + Abiding Enduring in JAMES 3:17 RELATIONSHIP THEOLOGY. (versus Back Under the OT Law). ( EORR promotes,declares CHRISTIAN REAL RESPECT FOR EACH AND matter what a Human Persons Race, Age, Religion, Lifestyle, Gender personal choices.)