Pause + Selah



LEADER WELP “In Our Hearts We KNOW We’re Right!” 

THE  DIFFERENCE  IN MINISTRY WHICH IS FALSE AND TRUE, FRANKLY MATTERS WITH THE BIBLE DEPTH OF ACCURACY…. IN EACH OF YOU! 1) No Old Timey Country Accuser Law 2) No Phariseeism 3) No Unfair LP 4) No Unjust Accusation 5) Please, No Witchcraft/No use of occult  false authority 5) No small-minded respecter of persons which is ornery Bias 7) NO 2 Timothy 3:1-6, I Timothy 6:5  8.) ANY OTHER_________________

Cross Body Unity “Book of Ephesians 4” is a new Christian leadership ministry move, which is an option and a resource. It is not “one size fits all,” so it can assist the religious locked in by the bias of many leadership systems and well-trained, informed, and well-intentioned many good folk.

Yet, this is coming from the senior pastor’s daughter who was sent (apostle commissioned) to surf and study the many various Bible-based, born-again, black, white, and brown, both Holy Spirit-baptized and preferring not to do so.

This began when Taveau was 24 in Richmond, VA, married but prior to both the children. It was after Billy Graham’s major USA effects, following the Jesus People movement and before all of the movements which we have not heard. First arrived in the local church regions and began as charismatic renewals, speaking in unknown tongues, casual usually acoustic praise and worship. But then grew gradually along with the TV media Christian representation into all sorts of TV media strongly affected good, not as healthy, and even more merchandising, monetized, and playtime ambition to be the next famous, widely known TV high-profile, adored, usual mega-celebrity.

However, today the modern TD uses caution and gives thanks, honor, and respect to the faithful true Christ followers whom God called to being areas, many local, and then national and global big well-known ministries and moves (both Bible, worship, and media, and more).

Thus, Sister Taveau, nor anyone else who started in ministry and life way back in that epic era, would have foreseen, known, or thought to prevent or change from operating as, under, for nobody would have guessed that mostly charismatic, Holy Spirit-led movements would fan out into different Christian categories, with different true and untrue doctrines, and would be added to by the world, the foolish flesh, and the evil.

So we ought to give giant untoward grace and honor all who are still there and those who have passed, who were true, despite what life, time, and TV media have done to most of them. But even more so, the descending big ministry, copying lay generations who have used, traded upon, and even con artists using the first original loving founders’ good, holy, fair, non-biased, and core sound to the Bible, first-quality then known famous name.

ABOVE: NOTE THE FIRST SIGNS  of possible accuser, big boss, Phariseeism “the mirthless scowls, frowns signifying LAW and possible FALSE ACCUSING DOCTRINES


Thus, we honor the spiritual fathers and sister mothers who have gone before us. I and others may also honor our own natural Christian/spiritual types of parents, without whom none of us living would be here today, much less trying to serve the Lord.

I honor my Sr. Pastor (unsung, non-TV, servant leader) father, M. Kimball Johnson Jr., who is up in heaven, and his dear wife, my other Nonie Simons Johnson. I also honor both his and her mothers (who were Christian Bible teachers), my Aunt Sr. Pastor Mary Catherine Wingfield, and many more relatives.

Personally, I want honor Reverend Billy Graham, the Jesus People Movement (as ministry represented in VA Beach, VA, which was not officially a part of them but modeled them!), and too many since that time and now to mention and honor.

When I think of times of doctrinal encounters that transformed me, called me, and also challenged and changed me mostly for the better, to keep my faith during hard, long, extreme times, I go back to the Word of Faith in its fledgling and mature form. I shied away from it as I was always a part of another forming separate movement.

Yet, I was and still get very uplifted and encouraged by it. However, due to DFW’s “grassroots small pastor, deep South portrayal of it” (the poor followers seemed to trade upon the good name of the top head and were dishonest, and many were cunning opportunists, a ruinous giant in the southwest and USA deep money and celebrity-producing “wannabe” subculture), I dropped out of all tongue-talking affiliation. I listened to the top “at the time” but was not “under them.” However, I am pro them, minus the needs for character of the true followers.

So I would advise the top leaders of these enormous USA and global different movements to assess, evaluate, and train their followers about respect and all sorts of holy fear of the Lord in relationship and peaceful community, addressing missing scriptural valid points.

Hence, I will train on this before long. I just want to pray for protection, as the use of faraway targeting prays against, undermines, backbiting, and white witchcraft occult, even in top mostly “prophetic,” even “world-class” individuals operating under their auspices, is rife with persons operating in horrific warring realities.

False doctrine,country undue ambition, teachings,  zero mention of the old rugged cross, defragmenting respecter of persons, old-timey accuser law, and the friendly fire Pauline commanded “From such away” are frightening fruits of 2 Timothy 3:1-5 and 1 Timothy 6:5. These are the prime, only valid, true reasons that I go nowhere near new seer prophetic houses (until these repent, correct, and properly train their guarding occult seers).

“THE ABOVE: They each one of them wanted to have control over my innermost mind. They all presumed and fully believed that they were “over me.” However, as I began to study their doctrine and observe their fruits, the mirthless mega, mini bottom line became clear. Nobody, absolutely nobody, ever spoke to me to include me, this God-sent person, in their plans. This applies to the entire LP movement across the USA. Since the 1990s, I have been fully aware of the all-white ministry leadership doctrines and the presence of the occult in ministry, which I would have never known about if I hadn’t been sent to worship with them as a prime quality fine arts participant. I don’t hold any hard feelings, but my, oh my! It’s important for us to correct these issues and allow them to self-deliver. See article on SEERS prior to this)

I note that the tops of these giant follower movements cannot be accused of what the people do who say they are under them. That is a huge USA-learned lesson, and that is why I am studying, praying, and will train this Cross Body Movement in governing authority. “Nobody can say that I am ‘over’ them” or “under them” (the latter shades of LP), as per anyone’s information. I am a chief apostolic Cross Body collaborating resource, providing wise training, wise advice, an office prophet, overseer pastor, and a Galatians 1:1-2 “not sent out by any one person or any one group, I am the brothers and sisters who are with me” out in the fields that are white for harvest, and in divine appointment, a collaborating ministry diverse “teammate” in Ephesians 4 community.

The Free Range Area Pastor is a concept from about 18-20 years ago, but warfare in my own life has been extreme and made doing much of this prohibitive, until post DFW right now.

Understood what the cost of high-quality area and worldwide media representation, slick magazines, advertising, getting popular on social media, and Hollywood TV, and lots of adoring, donating followers would have on the vast name of Christ.

More later. too much information to get it all written out here.
MOVEMENT: CROSS BODY UNITY “a peer resource”


MY UP FRONT MAVEN DEFINITION…Lest ye worry: The Overseer maven is NOT a ‘intended dowager, imposing sr Matriarch” but a “nice, calm, patient CONNOISSEUR of Holy Bible Theology” which is presented as Open-ended “respectful” “Selahs’ (means to pause, to contemplate, hear from the Lord for YOURSELF but See if it’s REALLY ALIGNED with the Bible ..not back UNDER the Old Time Law”…thus this is not PC, into Ministry Compromise, but done to RESPECT each PERSON to make the Choice for THEMSELF. We Maintain deep RESPECT FOR but this is NOT putting out LP, Pharisee Legalistic, NOR “political partisan” “religious Always RIGHT” PS no hardcore Big Boss Dogma.”

BE A FREE PASTOR “CBU “CROSS BODY UNITY EPHESIANS 4 DIVERSE UNIFIED TRUE COMMUNITY” (open as a Various Styles, colors, rhythms of Christian ministry “resource” as we are not “UNDER” “Affiliated with ANY ONE Style Type per the will of the Lord. Sister Taveau is a Galatians 1:1-2 cross Christian body servant leader, trainer equipper ,also. This training is sowed to the Universe, to “those have ears to hear” and if it is not for you, fine, Just please refer, should, when the Lord says.

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(C)2023 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws


Servant leader Taveau has a chief apostolic(spiritual doctrine originator) call to the Christian overseer SLACKSWEARERS* (*When the Earthsuited she inquired of the Lord, noting that Paul was SENT to the GENTILES, PETER to the JEWS, she wanted to know to WHOM this ministry is SENT..and that is when the LORD responded back "TO THE SLACKS WEARERS" (Then T assumed,that the reason is that the Christian leaders/ministry groups...who do not believe in wearing SLACKS already HAVE the"Holy Reverential Terror,Abiding Fear of the Lord".) Historically Galatians 1:1-2 servant office Taveau D'Arcy has taken a stand against all forms of bigotry and leader bias within the Christian community. TCL, DFW LEADER MINISTRY FELLOWSHIP are EORR leader headquarters (Equal Opportunity REAL RESPECT for the Office of Every Human Made in God's Image PSALM 139!) + Abiding Enduring in JAMES 3:17 RELATIONSHIP THEOLOGY. (versus Back Under the OT Law). ( EORR promotes,declares CHRISTIAN REAL RESPECT FOR EACH AND matter what a Human Persons Race, Age, Religion, Lifestyle, Gender personal choices.)