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This was first posted June 2023 But added to, edited for now
Paul representing the New Move,( ministry expansion) following the First Chosen 12, (the elite many) who’d been hand picked and mentored personally byJesus Himself. Yet humble Paul mature diminished himself and his “Gentile Prototype Galatians 1:1-2 office, a type of”breaker” “unique” (True Paul was brought up a strict,  traditional LP..yet a solid bold  zealot..who was keen and aware and precise, also deeply skilled.Hero Paul at first had been LP Saul “persecutor, rabid accuser” based on his intent on keeping every  letter of the  LP Torah  Law ( but to “please God) but the tranformed, once Elite Pharisee, skilled Jew,  now had an experience with Christ and became the First Church (eccentric?!) with his Gentile (very high call) However Paul  viewed himself “simply” ..(keeping an Eye on Eternity) …merely as the off scouring ‘”dung” of the world, perhaps “another foolish thing of the world, meant to confound the worldly wise”(I Cor 1:27) However, he praticed “all accepting” diverse (Eph 4)  Christian  pure “‘community” and “counted it all JOY” ..also practiced (I Timothy 6:6)  “Godly contentment”‘ in the midst of all of that!

THE LOCAL AREA BIG BOSS…Since the TV Media Scandals, Ministry Accusation of the 1980s) Is there a current “running away”… being “big bossed away,” sin spied, chased away, even a holy fear of the Lord remnant fleeing from? (Paul’s 2 “get out!” end-time commands,(See 2 Timothy 3:1-5, I TImothy 6:5)… rather than the super religious  “Oh, it’s THEM…it’s all of THEIR fault! (means the NON CHURCHED, DIFFERENT FAITHS, ALL USA NON BELIEVERS”) “as WE HAVE BEEN TAUGHT ALL OF OUR LIVES that “THEY”  are (the long foretold) “end-time falling away”!) …..”it does NOT refer to  US!”

I submit this now as a peaceful, deeply concerned mainly USA ministry submitted Selah.


Specifically Galatians 1:1-2 “Paul, an apostle, not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead; And all the brethren which are with me, unto the churches of Galatia:

(C)2023 Taveau D’Arcy all copyrights reserved under international copyright laws
TD’S BASIS FOR THIS LP STUDY: The Culture Of Galatians First Church Was Steeped in Human Natural Environment:
 Galatians 1:1-2 “Paul, an apostle, not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead; And all the brethren which are with me, unto the churches of Galatia:
 NOTE about Galatia: Galatia was in what is now modern day Turkey. It was popluted by Celtic people who were noted for their tough culture. Much of which had been influenced by Roman and Hellentistic culture (Meaning: that after Paul made his missionary journey and planted churches,while he maturely represented the (not back”UNDER ” the Old Testament Levitical Law plus Christ’s servant leader governing model, (fellowship, ministry ,family, community, spouses..) which note as Ephesians 5:21 ‘mutual submission in the fear of the Lord” ..
.….which was well known as First Church order…which is also ongoing trained also by Apostle Paul.) Thus after Paul encounters the Galatians first church leaders ,later on, he must assert and describe “his own Galatians 1;1-2 apostle office  ‘authority” as evidently hardened and often mean, tough “carnal ” culture of authoritarianism and Law had crept back in (Galatians 3 “who has be bewitched you” implies tricked to go ‘backwards” to be “under” rules concious Law)..
…Which is what I  now face at nearly every turn in modern Christ following mega and micros large dutiful similar groups;
y Galatians 1:1-2 “Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead;) And all the brethren which are with me, unto the churches of Galatia:”
WE NOTE from many of this author’s Levitical Patriarch and apostolic governing True Bible First Church “authority” that after confirming that Ephesians 5:21 “mutual submission in the fear of the Lord “was the servant hearted “standard” set first by Jesus, trained afterwards by Paul, and used throughout by all chief church apostles, and elders, leaders lay (which ties in with Ephesians 4 “abiding unified pure community”)
However, this was (as noted by Ai in a previous article PART 2 of ARE YOU SUBMITTED’ Minister Christ” that it was not until later when the similar Roman and Greek (Hellenistic ) authority tradtions infiltrated what had been an entirely “No Big Boss’ perserve disvision “Big I VS Little You’s (no superstars or favoring fans) as in “no division” that history notes that the authoritarian, some totalitarian non servant leader ministry models entered in.
We recall also that Paul chastized the Corinthians Church in I Corinthians 1 and 3..about division via ‘famous elevated sr ministry office FOLLOWING” (roots of celebrity in modern days)


NOW PAUL IS VIEWED AS A WORLD WIDE, EPIC FAMOUS CELEBRITY..BUT BACK then he lived and endured and wrote…th meager servant leader apostle regarded himself  “DIRT’ and the ‘dung  of the world”

WE NOTE that Apostle Paul was a Galatians 1;1-2 mega office, however he viewed himself by the “only God truly sees” or “Eternal assesment ” simply one more of God’s servants, whom he described as “the offscouring” meaning “the dung” of this world.
And apostle Paul while we measure his life and major achievement in light of today as perhaps “the Famous Well Known Celebrity Paul’ when, if we lived back in his meager early days we would see the often “prison cell” real life deep reality ..of his love and his genuine and mature walk with Christ.
Yet apostle Paul was no junior minister, seeking after world wide renown, rather he was a SENT MESSENGER yet abiding servant leader who wrote 2/3 of the New Testament and trained the Community of Christians even naming and creating the office (prophet, apostle, teacher, pastor, evangelist) in Ephesians 4.
Yet with all we know about Apostle Paul and how valuable he was back in the day and ever now, more so. we cannot avoid realizing that whenever Paul penned the Ministry Vocabulary real life fellowship word, that we widely recognize and regard as “TRUE” and the OFFICE MINISTRY “Standard” even with some, or maybe many, who are regard those as an “achievement ” an “ambition” a big “position of award ” ” to obtain and attain” ..we must keep each of our own selves leveled as messenger Paul evidently did, before the eyes of God and himself, we note the following..that whenever the apostle Paul “the Church Galatians 1-1-2 “Sent Messenger” used any of the 5 fold office ministry words, plus the word “bishop’ and “deacon” that he always wrote them out with a lower case letter, (implying servant leader not chief potentate or celebrity” )
MOSTLY FOR THE “WONDER WORKING” …and this perservering writer believes that is one secret for ministry right this now.
Above: Paul as he writes about the failure to respect other members of Christ’s Body. This was back during the communion “Lord’s Supper” but that possibly reflects upon “the pure far reaching pure community” Today.
And now, as this writer pens this topic, and makes everyone in Christian leadership aware that while this person is a ‘her” that ‘she”God’s person first and foremost, not any other pastors, ministers or persons Galatians 1:1-2 similar equipping ministry office and in fact, sr office of all of the remaining for (just not well known other than to God Almighty) and “that’ is exactly how I prefer all of this, as there is too much ‘fame amid fancy” today.
So let us walk back to past times, in the Pre Christian far more global, predominately would darker skinned andtribal yet epic era (for this person regards much of the Christian world today in the ‘post Christian epic era” …So we must, realize about this and on behalf of the True Christ, and His Body adjust each of our own ambitious selves…and lower it. s, view the First Church, and self humble each one of our own First Love pure hearts, as unto the Living Lord.
Peace without the 2 Timothy 3:1-5 unction of ministry big dysfunction”
Bible history teaches that the apostle Paul came later, after the 12 Original Apostles who were each handpicked and personally mentored by Jesus. He did not fit in with them at first, for he was not their “style” as they were used to “themselves’ and their traditions that they had learned sitting at Jesus Feet.
Paul, prior to his big encounter with the Lord had been the merciless Saul, a religious zealot and authoritarian legalist. In his righteous indignation and holy ire against God’s New Move…had angrily persecuted the new first church, even Big Boss murdering the Christians.
For Saul had regarded himself as “Defender of the Torah Law at nearly any cost!
HOWEVER LATER GOD GOT MINISTER SAUL’S LP ATTENTION and he genuinely had a major real life personal encounter with the Lord and repented, and born again!
Then,firey Saul transformed into Paul ..who was eager go serve in the First Church in Jerusalem. His ferver and zeal for things of Jesus Christ was authentic and servant pure. However the newly saved Paul met a road block with the first 12 chief apostle who had been hand picked and mentored ‘personally” by Jesus Christ ..and Paul had not been.
So in light of apostolic ministry , we may regard Paul as following after the first 12 and he had not been officially ‘hand picked” and “directly mentored ” and /or walked and talked personally with Jesus, yet in our overview and in major hindsight we can now regard Paul as “Home Schooled mostly by the Holy Spirit in first Love Relationship..mostly apart from the First 12 Organic Church Apostles (For about his first 13-14 Damascas, Syria years!)

This is my opinion regarding the pioneering ministry and the role of the Apostle Paul in relation to the first ministry leadership flow.

It represents a significant point of ministry training, particularly in light of the new move of God that is currently unfolding.

The information above is connected to a new article that focuses specifically on this topic. The article explores why the newly converted Paul was not initially favored by the first twelve apostles who were handpicked by Jesus. While I do not possess complete knowledge about the reasons behind this, I understand that it may be attributed to an “elite mindset” and issues related to territory.

To paint a picture, Christ imparted His teachings and instructions to the first apostles, preparing them for the challenges and responsibilities of leading the organic first church. However, as the natural and spiritual environment, society, and dogma changed over time, it necessitated the emergence of new spiritual revelations and individuals who could provide guidance. This is where Apostle Paul and others come into the picture.

The reason behind this is that each generation faces different challenges, requiring different approaches and insights. God raises up new individuals, with diverse backgrounds, nationalities, and revelations from the Holy Spirit, to contribute to the establishment and continuation of His church.

It is important to note that the already established group and the rising new group belong to the same community of saved believers. While they may share certain similarities in doctrines, their emphasis and methods may differ due to the specific circumstances and needs of their respective time periods.

I bring up these points not only for the future “ALL CHRISTIANS, ALL SAINTS’..apostolic international (non cult) Love Walk Respectful Diverse move but also to encourage the older generation to make room and embrace the evolving changes. It is crucial to willingly accept and contribute to this growth without feeling threatened or accusing others due to a lack of comprehensive ministry understanding.

Speaking from my own experiences and perspective, I have endured and taken up the cross to uncover what is now being said. I address both the old and the new movements, even the future ones, urging them to seek acceptance primarily from God and perhaps a select few individuals until He deems it appropriate.

THE CROSS BODY MOVE “it’s NOT all about MONEY or SUCCESS and MEGA AMBITIONS” as all of that HAS been thoroughly done and what is Church “now” and “upcoming Society?” 

PS GONE IS 2 CHRONICLES 7:14, Peter In New Testament to the Church “Let judgement begin in the house of God” (nobody trains on that, ministry addresses either and it’s because I believe this giant sized well organized massive high style mega crowd, simply does NOT “believe in it”(has NO faith or deep Eternal Life  higher perspective)

Now, it is fitting for this minister and the Ephesians 4 “Cross Body Movement” to come forward, placing emphasis on relationships and discovering the heart of God. While financial resources are necessary to support and advance this movement, the focus should always remain on the heart of God rather than money.

I acknowledge the need for money but will proceed cautiously and thoroughly in developing that aspect of the ministry, according to God’s guidance and timing.

RECALLING: Jan 2020 prior to Covid: TD Delivered the word from the Lord’ “THE DEMAS-IZTION OF AMERICA” (which is till on this on archives

Taveau’s own Mother said the following at least 3 times, while Taveau was a teenager.
TD’S Mom, was a Southern Baptist sr pastor’s wife, (not referred to as a pastor) yet one who stemmed from a nest of Noble Bereans and spirit-led prayer warriors  and women ministers…However, this kind, fine well bred real lady was not a “prophet” nor a Book of Acts’, “charismatic” as none of them, us were back in those non tongue talking type of days. (more Billy Graham like)
And for TD’S Mom,  Nonie Simons Johnson to say this, way back when, was in hindsight truly prophetic for my move of God after being “SENT ” to surf and to study the many different styles of Bible-believing, professing to be born again Christians, around the United States ..Book of Acts and not, all races and worship styles. (since prior to 1980 through now)
Mother made this comment 2-3 times. Again, it was not ever her subject to comment on this type of ministry large topic.. So in hindsight, it was (in light of the modern days) was remarkable.
. This is what she noted:
“When a Bible teaching movement or group, is in place, well known, respected and accepted, then another movement begins to rise up but they are not famous or widely respected. They are “unknowns”and the well known and accepted , popular ministries “in place ” tends to openly suspect, name call, persecute, talk against, warn their people and look down on these “unknown” “rising’ (yet might ) authentic Bible God move.
(TAVEAU EXTRA POINT: also they more often than not, get word cursed “these are Absolum’ the Queen Jezebel or uspurping “our” authority,..perceived and accused and prayed against as ‘they are coming to TAKE OUR TURF (meaning, more often than not “gathering in money”)

However, after this new move grows, takes root, gains respect, acceptance, and becomes well-known, yet another new move begins.

Yet, just prior to this new move gaining respect and wide acceptance, the already established movement takes a dim view of the newest move. They feel skeptical, doubtful, and suspicious, disrespecting, speaking against, vilifying, mocking, and even disparaging what is God’s newest move, which has just started.

The set-in-place ministry soon reacts like those who had previously persecuted them. They may view the newest leaders as usurpers, undermining their position, and being offended. There can be bitterness toward them, creating a complex of persecution, martyrdom, and unease, which stems from fear.


Many times, there is a smug and accusing spirit of fear, fueled by the misunderstanding that the newer move is not supposed to be identical or under their own move.

This observation does not imply that all or most ministers experience these fears, but it is a perspective based on personal experience in Christian ministry across various scales, from grassroots to mega-multicampus endeavors, encompassing different races and both Book of Acts-style churches and others.

Hence, many ministers have deep fears, including concerns about “church hoppers,” “underminers,” Queen Jezebels, warlocks, known charismatic witches, and, worst of all to them, people who appear to be taking their congregants and their tithes, referred to as “sheep stealers” in some local areas. These ministers often guard their own turf, which brings them high esteem and necessary funds for survival.

I assess that the primal root of turf guarding is money, followed by their desire for power, supreme position, and standing in the community. Although there may be genuine love for the people and God’s purposes, until the hostile and manipulative use of false authority is removed, I have to submit that any negative actions or the use of false authority are primarily driven by their fear of losing their financial support, staff, and resources.

This, in turn, causes the set-in-place commonly known and widely regarded move to breed more accusations, to stubbornly withstand, and to persecute. They plant doubts about the new movement among fellow leaders and devout Christian followers. Collectively, they may block God’s latest move through spiritual powers, targeted word curses, soulish prayers, and spreading evil rumors. These forces are invisible yet hold significant power in the spirit realm.

Furthermore, there are word curses, a tendency to look down upon, speak against, and mock the next new and newer move. And so, the cycle continues.

This is all about the NEED, WANT of $$$
“Money answers all things”(even low esteem, ego)

Due to all of this, in my Christian ministry, I purposefully and intentionally teach that following Christ is not about money; it is about Him, the sovereign living Lord.

I also emphasize the core principles of applied Holy Bible faith, tracing it back to its original organic foundation. Unfortunately, many have disapproved of it due to its misuse, false teachings, and the pursuit of financial gain. This has transformed the once peaceful core movement into one mainly focused on prosperity teaching. While I won’t delve into that topic now, I have extensive knowledge of it due to having endured much abuse, ministry-related demonic encounters, and evil forces that nearly overwhelmed me as a Safe Person.


However, I firmly believe in isolating and explaining the core faith principles line by line, encouraging others to go back to each movement’s core founders who initiated it long ago. It is vital to examine their doctrines, lifestyles, and the fruits they produced. In my opinion, after the new movement founder has trained, modeled, and published their teachings, the challenge arises when the second, third, fourth, and subsequent generations of ministers and leaders claim to be under and represent the famous chief teachers. This often leads to confusion, strange fruits, and abuses when individuals misuse ministry personnel under the guise of being affiliated with and under the authority of these renowned leaders.


TD GOES BACK TO THE 1970s: I have noted this repeatedly in servant  leadership study of the Holy Ghost moves since the charimatic renewal, Jesus Peoples Daysfollowing American growth spirits and renewals, ministry training chief flows; Vineyard, Deliverance, Word  of Faith, CI Prophetic, and my other Holy Spirit prophetic, Bible training also worship and Book Acts supernatural gives “true holy moves)
  1. There is a ongoing real MYSTERY, (for no one understands WHY)  for no one person, office, ministry, or fellowship can know it all. We see and know only in part, as stated in the Bible. Only Christ knows it all. The ongoing Christian mystery is how to do things right and foster unity, using TD’s study (while incorporating teachings from Paul and James 3:17). However, it’s important to recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. We can work on minimizing lust, pride, vanity (LPV), which are core fallen human tendencies apart from Christ.

  2. We should understand that any genuine, Bible-based, true move of God in ministry, pastoring, teaching, and worship is simply the rough draft for the next new mighty move. This is a word given to this person in 2021.

“Every GENUINE  Move of God is the ROUGH DRAFT for His Next NEW MOVE”

      3.We need to prepare and acknowledge that new moves may emerge from any significant      generation, and they are not confined to only one major generation.

     4. As leaders, we must not be fearful or dishonoring towards God’s rising anointed individuals. We should not underestimate their importance. Paul had a different, more diverse DNA than the original twelve apostles of the first church who were hand-picked and personally mentored by Jesus. He was sent to the Gentiles and faced suspicion from the twelve apostles. He departed from them and spent 14 years in Damascus.

5. There is always a new move that may start from within the seats of fellowship, various conferences, or even at home through media platforms like TV or YouTube. It can even originate from individuals who may not attend a formal church anywhere or may never do so.**

**HERE IS CERTAINLY WHY the preumptius  frustrating accausing, sin spying and gossip filled high horse..loose lips, the major causeless accusing improper BAD fruit (2 Timothy 3:1-5 ongoing faultfinding, minus respectful one to one apostolic Matthew 18:15/Gal 6:1 in my mind keeps producing the “inability to trust”)
Because  almost any formal organized Christian ministry “faith filled gathering” it is so big boss “top governed and controlled ” (true mixed with high horse false authority) at present..and also there  “so much’ evil eye,  prying spying accusing, loose lips and limiting due to false teaching and  ministry use of Law…

I urge you to please use caution.

Here is why: Dr. T’s admonition regarding Paul’s three commandments about groups: He wants us to “go” (Hebrews 10:25), he commands us to escape, run for our lives (2 Timothy 3:1-5/1 Timothy 6:5). Occult pastors need to teach these verses line by line to defragment their people, elders, staff, and their own minds, addressing their true occult choices.

Closing with the biggest thought on all of this:

God is usually saving His BEST for LAST (this may be likened unto the “shock surprise” for the invited wedding guests, when they brought out  the “”best wine’ at the wedding in Cana, per Christ’s first amazing “miracle”).

And so it is “now”...though might be latent, unsure, expected, in the making, being processed, and perhaps the newest adventure in ministry.


For out there (anywhere worldwide) and in every nation, regardless of background, race, or parenting culture, whether disadvantaged or pleasantly rewarded. Whether asleep in the nursery at home, in a shanty, a fellowship church nursery, or on the side of a road, somewhere is God’s future church. His major Ephesians 4 five-fold “each high called” silent movement rising offices. They will eventually accept Him, get to know Him, feel the call of the Spirit, and awaken to get a heavy revelatio ‘download”then rise up to hatch His Plan.


this means IF  we don’t kill them first…


YET..we know the End Is Nigh..but… it’s NOT ALL OVER..something is happening and ready to snap wide open!
Let’s get on the ball …but simply “ABOUT ”  HIM…. not OUR STUFF.
More later.
TO SUPPORT? Chiefly prayers for ALL OF THIS
TO GIVE: See our GIVE LINK at the top of this Home Page and also our views on that.
More later…
Mega Mighty Suprises and Wonderful Blessings.
(C)2023 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright (non Levitical) Law






Servant leader Taveau has a chief apostolic(spiritual doctrine originator) call to the Christian overseer SLACKSWEARERS* (*When the Earthsuited she inquired of the Lord, noting that Paul was SENT to the GENTILES, PETER to the JEWS, she wanted to know to WHOM this ministry is SENT..and that is when the LORD responded back "TO THE SLACKS WEARERS" (Then T assumed,that the reason is that the Christian leaders/ministry groups...who do not believe in wearing SLACKS already HAVE the"Holy Reverential Terror,Abiding Fear of the Lord".) Historically Galatians 1:1-2 servant office Taveau D'Arcy has taken a stand against all forms of bigotry and leader bias within the Christian community. TCL, DFW LEADER MINISTRY FELLOWSHIP are EORR leader headquarters (Equal Opportunity REAL RESPECT for the Office of Every Human Made in God's Image PSALM 139!) + Abiding Enduring in JAMES 3:17 RELATIONSHIP THEOLOGY. (versus Back Under the OT Law). ( EORR promotes,declares CHRISTIAN REAL RESPECT FOR EACH AND matter what a Human Persons Race, Age, Religion, Lifestyle, Gender personal choices.)