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Matthew 21:12-13
(C)2023 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright (non legalistic) laws

As the Sweet Infant Christ grew up and matured he started to know more. He began to notice deep injustice around the region. He eye witnessed oppressive, agonizing slavery, great tragedy, sickness, uncleanness…the repeated signs of abuse, also desperate wearing deep poverty..and the inequality of wealthy and poor.


Add to this, Jesus was confronted with the local harsh treatment the controlling Roman Government, many area children being sacrificed to false idols..all under the name of “true authority”. He saw the number offerings and collections taken by the ambitious, exceedingly fierce Pharisee temple system …and how they put great pressure on the people ..even repeatedly used and abused people..for these had become increasingly jaded, impure and emotionally tough…the majority of the ministers were mentally calloused and office hurried, self important and shallow insincere…And of this deeply troubled Jesus…and frequently bothered his pure heart and gentle compassionate spirit..


Increasingly,  Jesus grew more and more concerned..even grieved, agonized it wore on him… he realized that  was untrue and that something was deeply intrinsically “ministry systemic” REALLY wrong.


And that meant on Eternal Truth 2 levels.

(the first level) John 3:16/I John 3:8
The first level concerned Jesus Coming Mission..his pain, death on the rugged Cross, yet with a Giant Purpose..a Victory… to hand back via faith, the power over sin and death, sickness and poverty (I John 3:8) and to give the Holy Spirit (Acts 2, Galatians 5:22-23) via private personal relationship with any and every Believer. The Call for Eternal Salvation and healing, Book of Acts power to Live the Live in a mature relationship..while we are still here! (summary view of that)


The Holy Spirit deep inside of Him pointed out that all of this (sickness, death, abuse, demonic effects) were caused by sin..and that was something that no human person had control over….UNLESS HE Himself would be willing to lay down his life.

Yet that was the overview..which would come later.


See Matthew 21:1-23 The Pharisees
For now, Jesus interacted with as well as watched the Pharisees and noted how his Father’s house all about money and no longer a safe place of compassionate respect and refuge. It was biased , anti the poor and in favor of the well off, it accepted bribes and played favorites. It no longer respected EVERY ONE..only certain “preferred accepted types” And by now the local Pharisee temple “blessed” elite” offices..cold, mean, accusing, self justifying and Nouveau Wealthy superior..


Yet they always claimed that the temple coffers were empty, “that Jehovahs Holy House was in need..” so they then would demand another collection.


Christ had been long aware of the money changing going on in his own Creator Father’s House, even though the House was Run under The Torah Law.

Not everything local Pharisees and Sadducees, usually well thought of, ministry authorities did was right. And Jesus the grass roots long suffering Messiah could not help but notice.

He was upset when he how taking in money was far important to the Priests than their hearts toward the One True Living God and the they regarded, respected the everyday common people..whom they targeted, ever pressured and used MUCH of the temple offerings for themselves.

Increasingly many of the top leaders had grown comfortable and also callous..meaning toward the call to their ministry and to the every day folks.

More more it appeared that bringing in the money was taking top priority of the compassion and understanding and patience that it required to truly represent the caring Creator Father to many people. And they taking life for granted.

So this really bugged the Messiah Christ.


Even while Christ had grown up around these people, now as young man burning with zeal for his Father’s Holy House…which back in Isaiah 56:7 was described as “a house of prayer for ALL people’ He had now self importance, undue sternness, being short tempered and elite toward the poor, the every people and those with handicaps, mental health issues and lack of eduction was making “going to temple ” less about the Love Of the Father and more about being elevated in a position of well known offices , perceived power and the bowing and scraping hierarchy which pressured the poor as well as the rich for MORE.


It was the “zeal” for his Eternal Father’s House which motived Jesus. NOT offense, wrath or accusation, any rebellion, rather it was for the humble, the poor and the false religions who needed to know more about the TRUE Creator.


And Jesus was not MAD at the Pharisee ministry offices, but was righteously and maturely FED UP..and in the process of long many ministry years repeatedly OBSERVING… had forever been very patient, enduring, with much long suffering.


Furthermore the Gentle Jesus and had checked in first his Father in the Garden Gethsemene to seek, to pray and to pour out his anguish about all of that…yet also…he knew that he ought to FIRST  inquire of his Father about how HE wanted the his blessed song, the young Messiah,  to handle it.


In Book of John Jesus had a practice;(See John 5:19-20) He stated about himself “I say nothing unless I first see the Father say it” “I do nothing unless I first see the Father do it'” …


Thus, gaging by the young Savior’s actions...he  evidently, had “SEEN and HEARD” following CLEARLY..implying that his Father, the Lord God had given Jesus clear instructions…Which were….to go on a “certain day” a “specific  ‘time’ and then to  “say a certain thing’  directly to them..Also, he was directed to shock and awe, but reverencially  (meaning in Holy Fear of the Lord style) ..A make them think. To shock them from their deceived stupor .

CAUTION ASIDE  OLD TESTAMENT FRUITS “My house shall be a house of prayer for all (Types, styles, races, genders, social strata of well to do and houseless, varies vibes and style of imperfect) peoples”
I refer to ISAIAH 56 as a PROTOTYPE (meaning in a New Testament NON LEGALISTIC View of a Commanded Sabbath Blessing) and note how ALL TYPES AND KINDS OF PEOPLE were Accepted (not biased against) By the Lord God Almighty Himself. READ V 7 as the PURE FRUIT of a HEALTHY Hebrews 10:25 fellowship, church, house church)

Back on the trail:

And this is why we note the Savior picking up the money making tables” and tossing them  completely over..thus wrecking their well organized, efficient, however usury business system. (this is the writer’s opinion) ..Again, this “act of un-harmful but “spiritual” violence (as in not weapons or striking)… would try  to wake up them up as they were blind guides and “used  to it” … big indifferent and living in a gentrified “usual”  spiritual stupor ….This left God’s Temple Rulers imperceptive, void of mature deep awareness and clueless about the intentions of God’s House, it’s true (See ISAIAH 56:7) purposes and mean, short tempered, biased and abrupt with the common people who were far less off and not as educated or monetarily esteemed.(just like today!).


Any person, minister or group or society which is devoid of holy fear of the Lord, which is ministry dull of perceiving and discerning  means that is it MONEY CENTERED for by the Bible Scriptures (attaining holy fear of the Lord (Proverbs 9:10 “which is the beginning of true WISDOM”)READ Proverbs2:1-5 ..However, ever more significantly , the telling tale of God’s Leaders Isaiah 1-3 producing National Woe Isaiah 5:20, which blocked the National Move of God Isaiah 10.. FINALLY ..the achievement prosperity avarice First Love Mammon priestly focus had dulled and blinded and corrupted God’s own faith filled “believing”Leaders… see Psalm 115 about idols”) ..


Eternal Father God understood that it would require a PROPHETIC ACT which would SHOCK AND AWE yet not demean, hurt them or disrespect the Temple Offices who were Jesus elders.


However Jesus went over there, realizing his whole family as his disciples and their relatives, would all be defamed, mocked, accused, lied about and rejected for they would label them “rebellious” “out of order” “violating the Levitical and being “unsubmitted, fully out of order”..and would forever be black listed and talked against (again my opinion based up society)


Yet had prayed, clearly heard from the Father and understand that from the Eternal Viewpoint, that this was Something that should be done …despite.


So Jesus proceeded forth, and did take any of his disciples with him (nobody cat called the temple priests as they walked in to work on that day..Jesus had no weapons and did now word curse, swear or bully, dominate)** Intentional lesson for Today!


We must leader note the well known statements about Caesar, who was a pagan murderer. He persecuted the saved Christians.

“RENDER unto Caesar the things which are Caesars, render unto God the things which are God’s”

“Hail Caesar!” (swearing devoted loyalty to the ULTRA MAGA TOP …elevated top power, achievement and mega wealth)

“We have come to bury Caesar, not to praise him” William Shakespeare 

ALL OF THIS is an interjection of a giant  historical concept which also played into the society at the similar day and time period when the  offscouring First Church started to emerge and to assess and to attempt to plough the ministry dysfunctional land..


Matthew 21:12-13 is a passage in the Bible that tells the story of Jesus entering the temple in Jerusalem and driving out the merchants and money changers. The passage reads:

“Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. ‘It is written,’ he said to them, ‘My house will be called a house of prayer, but you are making it a den of robbers.'”

In this story, Jesus is visiting the temple in Jerusalem, which was considered the center of Jewish religious life at the time. He finds that the temple courts have been overrun by merchants and money changers, who were buying and selling goods and services to the people who had come to worship.

Jesus is outraged by this and takes action. He drives out all of the merchants and money changers, overturning their tables and benches. He makes it clear that the temple is supposed to be a house of prayer, not a marketplace for commerce.

This act by Jesus is significant for several reasons. First, it shows his strong conviction that the temple should be a place of worship and devotion, not a place for commercial transactions. Second, it demonstrates Jesus’s authority and power, as he is able to drive out the merchants and money changers with just his words and actions. Third, it shows that Jesus is not afraid to challenge the status quo and speak out against injustice and corruption.

In this passage, Jesus is fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah 56:7, which says “My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.” He was purifying the temple of all the commercial activities.

Finally, this story also foreshadows Jesus’s ultimate sacrifice and death on the cross, as he will soon be arrested, tried, and crucified for his teachings and actions.

POINT: According to JOHN 5:19-20 “Jesus did and said what his Creator told faith. And he was not famous in that day..but a renegade whom they probably accused as contentious, offended, their ministry junior critic..a jealous wannabe troublemaker and/or another black sheep and usurper…. of THEIR Mantled Authority** (**meaning…just like today)

And we may conclude..that even while this Temple Upset occurred all of those many hundreds of years ago that



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(C)2023 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved

Servant leader Taveau has a chief apostolic(spiritual doctrine originator) call to the Christian overseer SLACKSWEARERS* (*When the Earthsuited she inquired of the Lord, noting that Paul was SENT to the GENTILES, PETER to the JEWS, she wanted to know to WHOM this ministry is SENT..and that is when the LORD responded back "TO THE SLACKS WEARERS" (Then T assumed,that the reason is that the Christian leaders/ministry groups...who do not believe in wearing SLACKS already HAVE the"Holy Reverential Terror,Abiding Fear of the Lord".) Historically Galatians 1:1-2 servant office Taveau D'Arcy has taken a stand against all forms of bigotry and leader bias within the Christian community. TCL, DFW LEADER MINISTRY FELLOWSHIP are EORR leader headquarters (Equal Opportunity REAL RESPECT for the Office of Every Human Made in God's Image PSALM 139!) + Abiding Enduring in JAMES 3:17 RELATIONSHIP THEOLOGY. (versus Back Under the OT Law). ( EORR promotes,declares CHRISTIAN REAL RESPECT FOR EACH AND matter what a Human Persons Race, Age, Religion, Lifestyle, Gender personal choices.)