Pause + Selah


NOTE: This was first posted July 12, 209 as an open ended wisdom Submitted Selah to the Ye Must Be Born Again Body Of Christ in ministry.


(C)2019 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved

WONDERING….Q. DO I WANT TO GO ATTEND A CHURCH WITH PHARISEES…OR NOT? Let me give my only reasons: The USA is still a free country (for right now..) and God’s Holy Scriptures give me His permission to “work out my own salvation.” Admittedly, I could be a pastor, prophet, chief apostle Bible scholar dependent fan club, albeit “dutiful human pleasing “accepted favored “”blind follower”…and jump through all of the well presented upwardly mobile sort of hoops, thereby building up my own personal apostolic brownie points….


…HOWEVER…. servant apostle Paul commended the Noble Bereans for picking apart HIS doctrine…also he told them to “follow ME only AS, IF I authentically follow the LORD…and that is exactly what I am going to continue to do!” Emerge From (too much) Church

  • MICAH 7:5 “Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide: keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom.”
  • PSALM 118:8 “It is better to put trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in man.”
  • PSALM 118: 9 “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes.”


AT WHAT (BORN AGAIN) MINISTRY TIPPING POINT WILL GOD POTENTIALLY BEGIN TO JUDGE?** (**Meaning HIS Born Again Christian Ministry..not the “non Christ followers”)

(C)2019 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserved


I make the following Teaching Selah Point

WHAT IS THE TIPPING POINT from having ERROR,be it great amounts or small, in a Bible Believing “Jesus Accepting” fellowship, church, ministry organization,denomination and /or apostolic, prophetic, Bible teaching entire FLOW..meaning from when is it acceptable and safe to fellowship on a long term basis, to let your teenagers, children grow up in this or WHEN it is NOT.

AND what is a “Great, well intentioned ministry, church, Holy Spirit move, etc which is OK but with continual Noble Bereans picking apart their doctrines…(in a noncritical or accusative but Pauline praised fashion)..

AND what is the difference when the “great appearing,blessed, or appearing big /small but successful, warmly accepting, “Church House, Prophet, Apostle, And teacher, ministry stream is technically classified as a FALSE APOSTLE, FALSE PROPHET, FALSE “PRESENTED AS BIBLE MOVE”

I will leave this discernment up to each and every one of you.

Yet here are my USA non legalistic ministry assessments.


  • Christ, Classic Salvation Very First*

(*Note; due to time pressure coming later, I may add more to this brief explanation, but must make it brief for now)

  • VALUE AND TOP RESPECT, QUALITY PRIORITY FOR All Relationships (races, genders, nations, beliefs, area pastors, rising junior ministers and older /younger generations are RESPECTED AND ACCEPTED and VALUED. (online, abiding in James 3:17 etc)


  • MAMMON CHASING KEPT IN BALANCE: Achieving, Owning, Growing, Being Blessed and having large amounts, ministry, family big possessions may be well OK..


  • HOWEVER “stuff, making, taking in money” does NOT superceed, take ministry priority over all other Bible doctrines, most especially the Bible doctrines involving CLOSE ABIDING RELATIONSHIPS and COMMUNITY (EPH 4) See top of online fellowship TEN BIBLE RELATIONSHIPS


  • THE FIRST LOVE RELATIONSHIP WITH THE LORD GOD being #1, then #2.. with ones own SELF (inside to SELF ASSES, SELF INTROSPECT, allow Holy Spirit to SELF JUDGE.. introspect..(First Love Heart Relationship) so as to (ongoing) keep one’s heart, life, mind right as before the Lord with THE LORD GOD HIMSELF , #3 Spouse #children, step children extended family etc (See top



  • TOP OFFICE LEADER, BASIC GOVERNING STAFF. 2 Timothy 3:1-5, I Timothy 6:5 “friendly fire relationship harmful untrue fruit”)


  • TOP LEADER, STAFF..NOT lining up with top minister, staff, reproduced life, relationship fruit found in (non covering )James 3:17, Eph 4, Prov 2:1-5, Eph 5:21 AND 22,


  • ALL leaders continually refusing to themselves be held accountable and/or all refusing to Bible authority submit MATTHEW 18:15-17, humble apostolic,sr leader GALATIANS 6:1 ..which implies one to one, Up Front Respectful, pure hearted confrontation, as opposed to intentionally the other avoiding, not relating yet still setting back and listening to…believing gossip…the wicked report


  • ALL THIS may include the overseer continual “relationship avoidant”, elder, ministry practice of accusing based on avoidance but use of appearance, rumor, suspicion, even (akin to Salem witch trials) spectral evidence (ASSESS…RESPECTFUL UP FRONT Matthew 18;1-5-17, includes GAL 6:1
    ELDERS, TOP LEADER attack ministry people minus any prior relations, minus Matthew 18:15-17, humble apostolic Gal 6:1)


  • TOP LEADERS, STAFF area assert, use Personal,Fame, Personal Talents, spiritual gifts to convey, and convince people they are “infallible” and “ought not to ever be questioned” (Opposite of Micah 7:5, Psalm 118: 8, 9..and /or may “give donations” in pressure or manipulative, even use of persona and hype manner.


  • MICAH 7:5 “Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide: keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom.”


  • PSALM 118:8 “It is better to put trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in man.”


  • PSALM 118: 9 “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes.”


  • WE NEED TO BE SURE that the top office elders, ministers, all leaders, staff, offices do not use religious, OT Levitical Law ,or their own perversion of Bible Scripture to “control, use, take advantage of, use sexually, use for monetary gain, or enslave.” (T has come across all of these. Example, the helper’s family life is expected to suffer, put a dead last to serving HIM, HER OFFICE at the TOP…I’ve first hand experienced meeting pure hearted willing persons, who put off having children, getting married, so that the CHIEF APOSTLE’S WORK “would not be hindered”);


  • WE NEED TO MAKE SURE that we are not leader wooed or big pressured into tolerating, remaining there UNDER no peer, top elder, staff training, manipulation or abuse of power, scripture with or minus placing fear, shunning, avoiding, ministry distancing to wield power…


  • ALSO there must be minister coercion, threatening of males or females.


  • There must be NO men allowed to use, keep subservient, sexually use, any women,girls, or even young men..


  • NO HIERARCHAL POMPOUS MORE BOWING AND SCRAPING this is nowhere to be found in Jesus Christ’s own “sr apostle overseer work planting mega minister in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) and now where in Apostle Paul’s Ephesians overseer writings.


  • THERE SHOULD BE NO ELDER LEADER, BORN AGAIN STAFF FORCED DEMANDED DEVOTION, SUBMISSION TO overly Big I, little peon (usable) you’s…NO emotional, spiritual, financial, congregational wielding of control,withstanding, power blocking, no dominating office hierarchy or training which tends toward representing Legalistic, Religious System which is set in place to control, put fear on God’s people, and apply ministry pressure accusation in order to produce a Blind Leader Follower… CULT


  • AVOID SIGNIFICANT SIGNS OF CRAVEN PERVERTED BIBLE TEACHING SCRIPTURES, perceived as “anointed” FRUIT…Wide Examples currently…They do not place more priority on raising income than worship, Bible teaching, and RELATIONSHIP RESPECT



  • ELI TEMPLE COMPASSIONED FATIGUED ELITE HIGH PRIESTOOD (wrote about this as early as Born Again 2013):


  • And I liken it as kin to emotionally pitiful and weak, Temple High Priest I Samuel Eli user, empathy free Compassion Fatigued prejudiced, misogynous, people user Me Centric…frankly…Levitical WELP extreme example:


  • The Lead Priest Eli refused to stand up to his own second in commands, his own ministry associate pastors, which were his user, degrading chief sons. He did not respect women as he never set them down, even though it was widespread area knowledge how both of his ministry sons

1) slept with the women who came to the temple

2) applied much pressure on God’s people for the offering but then kept if for themselves

  • I Samuel Eli used bias histrionic gender stereotypes when the persecuted lone, leader woman appeared on the temple front porch, without a husband.
  • Compassion fatigue, vastly experienced, (‘perceived as “clearly heard and seen it all) Middle Aged Eli accuser judged her, from afar (at first) and evidently said to himself (she was weeping, big grieving) …
  • ….meaning“Oh, it’s just one more of those lowly “weak willed”chiefly gullible females…Just one more of those “usable” “to us always available” also ” overly emotional” ” troublesome” ” baggage laden” and also “time wasting”… Little Women”..
  • However, (later Eli got up off of his time word, maybe Self righteous , avoidant, even Poor Victim ME, senior authority , temple high priestly keister and prophesied over the Alone Her..(The HER, LONE SHE happened to be Hannah)…and foretold that She would be the mother of the first prophet of God’s entire Hebrew nation..Samuel

  • WE TAKE TIME TO NOTE that ALL (very significant, prophetic, National Paradigm Big Shift) all quietly happened on what “appeared” to a typical, normal, even boring, or usual, every day “priestly work day”.


  • YET it all was a Holy Spirit magnificent TIMELY EVENT which would usher in the entire Hebrew nation’s enormous, national Spiritual Office, Government and Holy Spirit PROPHETIC OFFICE ONGOING MEGA MOVE..which would bring from heaven to earth down…a national leader paradigm shift.


  • Later in this fascinating, hugely timely I Samuel book, God would kill off the corrupt, Base, User Temple Low Life High Priesthood (all three offices) and never again allow anyone from their family to hold such an esteemed and greatly honorable high temple office) “Ichabod” was foretold by the sudden appearance of an very unknown Grass Roots mysterious unnamed office true prophet!


  • NOTE: This winsome She presumes that the I Samuel Eli Temple High Priesthood in the Old Testament is identical status, state of the Top First Church Office Elder in the open rebuke to Revelation 2:1 “Holy Spirit letter to the Church of Ephesus”, which had become works oriented, relationship clearly jaded as it has lost it’s first (top priority) LOVE: The abiding every day relationship with Jesus Christ

AND NOW I prophetically assess and elder apostle submit that we are on the brink of Christian ministry God’s JUDGEMENT. For what I have repeatedly seen, encountered, personally met up with and had to apostolic USA repeatedly endure, is NOT what Jesus Christ hero role modeled during his RELATIONSHIP BASED surprising ministry, regional and personal life (with His mother Mary, other non minister persons,little children) MODELED.

CLOSING FOR JUST NOW..but perhaps a few more leader Points: Big witness of this for 6-9 deep south non traditional years:

WIDESPREAD EPHESIAN 4 DIVERSE WHOLE COMMUNITY akin to “Lord’s Supper COMMUNION” …some among you may be sick, even die, for failing to ‘rightly discern “(and utmost, in the fear of the Lord, respect) Christ’s (multicultural, diverse, eclectic and even OUTRIGHT WEIRD and PECULIAR imperfect Trusting Body.”


AND as the UNITY, EPHESIANS 4 One Diverse COMMUNITY nonlegalistic New Move begins, and grows…The Acts 5:11 Days of Ananias and Saphira may also be the Christian ministry atmosphere.. THUS one office pastor, apostle, minister repeatedly talebearing, refusing to upfront respectfully confront, believing gossip and accuser suspicious sin spying, ministry black balling minus ALL prior going to be assessed as ‘guilty “of “failing to rightly discern the Lord’s body( community, not club, office, leader members); This might also include mature apostles, pastors, office leaders naming famous well known Christian office names publically (from their lofty area pulpit, using MEDIA, RADIO, Ministry TV,etc) ….and accusing, minus any ONE TO ONE, FACE TO FACE humble Galatians 6:1, Matthew 18:15-15. Even “berate minus all berate” which is specifically a WELP, WELM “public accusation for “not being UNDER (mostly THEIR OT Law) form of “Spiritual Authority” “apostolic covering” “not UNDER any local or national, famous preacher” and thereby accused of as “wicked, suspicious, gossip big fodder and a sin worthy of being slandered, area wide ministry black balled” (Saw how this affects entire area “Christ following and Hebrews 10:25” as well as the destruction it all causes. Starting way back (1990’s) on the “Queen Jezebel, Witch continually watching, somewhat spooky but indeed worthy in the teaching of moving in the gifts.. deep and majorly prolific, Grass Roots East Coast)


Respectfully submitted Holy Ghost Selah Present Day Word from the Lord, in abiding enduring James 3:17. Yet each one has their God given right to pray, evaluate and let the Holy Spirit tell YOU what to accept or throw out. And no matter what we BELIEVE, AGREE WITH or maybe completely DISAGREE…for the sake of the Unity in the Body Of Christ, we attempt to role model Assessing enduring James 3:17 “pure, peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy, and good fruits (Gal 5:22-23), without partiality and without hypocrisy”

Also please PRAY for all True Ministers
of Jesus Christ, males and many females..even including this very one!
Many appreciations!



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(C)2019 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved

Servant leader Taveau has a chief apostolic(spiritual doctrine originator) call to the Christian overseer SLACKSWEARERS* (*When the Earthsuited she inquired of the Lord, noting that Paul was SENT to the GENTILES, PETER to the JEWS, she wanted to know to WHOM this ministry is SENT..and that is when the LORD responded back "TO THE SLACKS WEARERS" (Then T assumed,that the reason is that the Christian leaders/ministry groups...who do not believe in wearing SLACKS already HAVE the"Holy Reverential Terror,Abiding Fear of the Lord".) Historically Galatians 1:1-2 servant office Taveau D'Arcy has taken a stand against all forms of bigotry and leader bias within the Christian community. TCL, DFW LEADER MINISTRY FELLOWSHIP are EORR leader headquarters (Equal Opportunity REAL RESPECT for the Office of Every Human Made in God's Image PSALM 139!) + Abiding Enduring in JAMES 3:17 RELATIONSHIP THEOLOGY. (versus Back Under the OT Law). ( EORR promotes,declares CHRISTIAN REAL RESPECT FOR EACH AND matter what a Human Persons Race, Age, Religion, Lifestyle, Gender personal choices.)